Just Finished

I just finished watching In Her Shoes.

I love this movie!  If you are a girl and have a sister this movie is perfect.  It captures the true love sisters have for each other!  I also think that the characters couldn’t have been played by a better set of actresses.  If you haven’t seen it watch it!








I love movies and watch many, so I think I will start posting on here the ones I watch and if I like them. 

The Essentials

Some time ago I saw an add online for the BellyHuggerWear high or low

I bought one because I can never find long enough undershirts and most all shirts are just too short for me.  It has been the greatest help to me.

BUT now that I am pregnant I find it to be essential!  All my clothes are becoming too short or too tight already but this is helping so much!  This may help me from having to buy maternity clothes so soon. 

This is also supposed to help keep you covered when you are breast feeding.  In case anyone might be needing something like that!

Either way pregnant or not I love this item!  Check it out!

Home birth

We have been trying to decide what is best for us in preparing for the baby.  I have only had one experience with a local OBGYN and really didn’t like him.  So we started looking out of town for doctors.  We also considered how much the delivery would cost because we do not have any insurance.  With much research we found out it would cost $6,000-8,000.  We are going to sign up with a Christian sharing group called Samaritan Ministries but now that I am pregnant before we signed up that will cover little or none of the expenses.  Either way we will still sign up!  They are a great group and I will write more about it after we are involved.

So after some research we have decided we like the idea of having a homebirth with a midwife.  We are very close to a hospital if there were to be any sort of complication but I really don’t worry about that.  Blake is trained to deliver a baby through his EMT but we don’t need to save that much money.  A home birth will cost only $1,800!  That is including all prenatal visits, the birth and postpartum care (usually about 4 visits).  The standard schedule of prenatal visits, one every month until 28-30 weeks, then every 2 weeks, and weekly during the last month. 

I love the idea of having the baby in the comfort of our home!  I have only been to a hospital twice, once when I was born and once for 3 stitches in my arm.  I don’t like them!  The whole idea of having a baby still scares me.  (I know I better be getting over that!)  Also all visits with the midwife are in home visits.  How much better can it get than that!?!    

So I would love to hear if anyone has had any home births and how they liked it?  Please people no meanness or negativity, I realize that a home birth isn’t right for everyone.  But please do not feel like you have to say mean things here!

101 Reasons I Love My Husband

Blake is the greatest!  This morning he let me sleep until almost noon (I have been having trouble sleeping), and when I woke he had cleaned the whole kitchen and done all the dishes.  I haven’t done any dishes since Monday so it was pretty messy.  It helped me feel so much better to try to make some food in a clean kitchen.  Thanks Babe, I love you!

Only my dogs!

I can’t believe how stupid our dogs are!  First off they are the biggest spoiled brats ever!  This morning it was raining just a little when Blake let then out.  Apparently they think they will melt in the rain because they both pooped right on the porch.  I am so mad at them!  I want to tie them up out in the rain.  I guess I should start learning to discipline better before we have this kid!  I mean are all dogs this dumb sometimes or is this a Weim thing?!?  I guess I will get out my rain boots and jacket and have to start taking them out on a leash when the weather is bad.  Grrr….

So Tired

I have just been worn out the past few days.  I am feeling so nauseous most all day.  I will be glad when I get past this part of being pregnant!  When does that happen by the way??? 

I have one sister who has hyperemesis.  What is that you say?  Well according to the website it is described as a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the newborns a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the newborn.  It really is as bad as it sounds.  Unfortunately many doctors do not even know it exists.  My sister who has it has had to have a pick line put to help her and the baby get the nutrition they are lacking.  She has had three children; hyperemesis affects you everytime you are pregnant. 

I didn’t mean to go off on that subject I just figured I would take the opportunity to educate everyone of this.  I think of her dealing with that often now that I am pregnant.  I start to feel miserable and remember how much worse it could be.

You hear stories of women who crave something and their husband has to drive all over to find it.  Well I am trying not to be that woman.  So far the only things I have craved are potato chips.  But not just any chip will do.  I want Mike-Sells groovy style!  Blake offered to go get me some chips last night but the closest convenience store doesn’t carry them.  They are a Dayton company and hard to find in this area. 

I am finding that nothing really sounds good to eat.  We bought some tv diners and such at the store the other day; I guess God was looking after Blake because he would have starved.  I haven’t wanted to cook much because the smell of everything just turns my stomach.  I think I will eat grilled cheese and mac and cheese for lunch.  Only starchy things sound good.  I need to find some healthy things that I can stomach.  Any suggestions from anyone would be great!


Oh how I have longed to win a giveaway!  I have blogged for what will soon be a year and never won anything.  Now with a baby on the way I have found a couple of giveaways which I would love to have to stock up on things like diapers!

Newlyweds is giving away a $25 dollar gift card to CVS.  Go visit her before the end of the month to sign up for this great givaway!

A Big Surprise

Today we found out something just wonderful!


I couldn’t wait to share it with everyone!


*updated Monday night with recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup!

Oh I really am struggling with what to make this week!  I haven’t even gone to the store and don’t want to unless I have to.  So our meals this week maybe boring.  And yes I am making up all of these meals as I write…so unorganized!

Monday- Chicken Tortilla Soup
Tuesday- Cheeseburgers on English Muffins, Baked French Fries, Milk Shakes
Wednesday- Skillet Lasagna
Thursday- Chicken, Broccoli and Rice Casserole 
Friday- Homemade Pizza (it was so good last week we are doing it again!)

For more menus visit OrgJunkie

Dog Paddle

Lexington has a really good dog park program and every year they hold a dog paddle.

We are thinking of going and taking Chloe.  Marley will stay home because he hates water and so we don’t see the sense in paying 10 dollars for him to go.  Plus one dog is sometimes too hard for the both of us to keep up with.  Chloe is the better listener when we are….well anywhere.

Last year we just missed when they had it so depending on what is going on around here, we might go.  I just thought I would share it for any Lexington area dog people!