Spring Cleaning for Normal People


Crystal over at Biblical Womanhood is hosting some Spring Cleaning.  She is preparing for baby #3 and is actually due just days after Piper is due.  She and her family moved into a new home at the beginning of her pregnancy and she is trying so hard to get things organized before the baby comes.  I feel her pain!  Remember that I have been trying to keep up with Fly Lady to get our house in better order.  I love Fly Lady but she just has lots more energy than I do at this time in my pregnancy.  I will be sticking by her in my own way until I have the energy to have the sort of daily routine she has.

We have so many things to get done before the baby arrives and time is slipping away…quickly!  I am 27 weeks today!  That means we have just 9-13 weeks until we will have Piper here!  I just do not have the energy it will take to get this place together.  Last night I did one load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher and was exhausted.  So I think I can handle what Crystal has in store.  After all she is almost 27 weeks AND has 2 little ones to care for.

Here is the big list of things that Blake and I have decided needs done before the baby.  He will be helping with all these big things!

1. Finish the bathroom-Grout and seal the floor tiles, finish drywall around shower, finish putting up trim, put last coat of paint on everything, lay carpet in closet, put on door knobs, globes on light fixture and outlet coves.

2. Organize Bedroom-This is where Piper will be sleeping for the first few months so we are turning the sitting area into a nursery.  We need to clean out that side of the room and find homes for odd things there.  A few other things for that area would be: replace broken light fixture, install outlet covers and vent covers.  Then we can decorate!

3. Seed and Straw yard-Getting rid of the dirt will help keep the inside of the house so much cleaner!

4. Touch up paint here and there around house-Blake’s brother painted everything for us this past summer but there are a few places that need another coat.

5. Laundry room shelving-The laundry room is one of the rooms that will not get finished completely before the baby but some temporary shelves on the walls will help for some extra storage.

6. Do something with Jeep and vehicle situation-Blake will be selling his Jeep and we will be buying a minivan.

7. Finish up kitchen-Touch up a few spots in the drywall where we moved some wires, fix the last piece of crown molding on the cabinets, install the shelves in the corner cabinets, reorganize the cabinets and pantry.

Keep in mind that we still will have 4 complete rooms that will not be finished until after the baby gets here.  The construction never stops on a new house!

And on top of all of those big things we have to do, I have to get all the little things organized and cleaned up.  So join in with me this week as I work around the house.  I will post some before and afters of all the little things that will help make a big difference.

This week our mission is to toss out trash we find in every room.  And look for things that we can give away or sell that we just don’t use.

I think I should be able to manage this with no problem!  I hope to see everyone join in!  Let me know if you do.

6 Responses

  1. I’m participating in Crystal’s Spring Cleaning Challenge, as well. I have a 10 months old son and am still learning to balance motherhood and other home responsibilities. I tend to be a surface cleaner, so I hope this will challenge me to do some of the deeper cleaning that my house needs without getting overwhelmed by it all at once.

  2. I am huge about going into rooms and “decluttering”…. It so helps. We are pretty bad about having “hotspots.”
    Trying to get pictures up from the dog park… I can’t find the cord!

  3. Wow – this is A LOT of stuff to accomplish! I think listing it out like this is definitely helpful to get it done. 🙂

  4. I’m going to clean out our spare room tomorrow!!!!! JOY!!!! JOY!!!! JOY!!!! lol

  5. […] by Erin Craig So this week was just an absolute terrible week!  I did get a slight start to my Spring Cleaning then it just went the other way!  I got trash picked up from around the house and started on some […]

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